Category Archives: Tv

Orange is the New Black: Season 3 Finale

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here. Warning: spoilers ahead.

Just finished watching the finale of season 3 of Orange is the New Black. Omg, it was such a happy episode, with all the inmates getting a day out in the lake. Probably with not much repercussions too, they couldn’t possibly throw everyone into the SHU right? Morello got married, Norma and Red made up, Gloria and Marisol made up, Crazy Eyes and the fan girl became friends, Cindy got her baptism, Soso was inducted into the black group; happy vibes were all around.

I didn’t understand the significance of the bed replacement until i read a recap. It turns out that while the inmates are getting new beds, the new beds are double deck bunk beds. Which meant more crowding and less space which coupled with the influx of so many new inmates, will likely result in more altercations in season 4.

Nicky is probably out of the series. When a character leaves in a middle of the series, it’s usually hard for them to come back. After all, what is the actor/actress going to do in the mean time? Nicky, if she returns, would probably be just for an episode or two like George Mendez. Luschek the electrician is still waiting for his karma for screwing Nicky over like that.

Unlike Nicky, Berdie might come back, because that’s what she said and she’s not in a part of the Orange is the New Black lore where she’s not supposed to come back.

I hope Alex Vause remains a regular in season 4. Maybe she get stabbed and is left in the green house bleeding but not dead and her injury snaps Piper Chapman out of her power trip. Because right now, i really hate Piper Chapman.

Geek Generation out.

Game of Thrones: Thoughts on End of Season 5

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here. Today, i’ll be talking a little on Game of Thrones, the Tv show, not the games. So spoiler alert, there will be spoilers.

There’s a little i don’t like about the Tv show when comparing it to the novel. Mainly because of the spoilers that exists in the show that are not confirmed or even known of in the book. Take Mance Rayder’s bit of story. He wasn’t supposed to be just dead at the pyre. Melisandre supposedly used glamour to save Mance and Mance gets sent to Winterfell. And his son was supposed to be swapped with Gilly’s son. The boy Sam and Gilly were taking to Old Town was supposed to be Mance Rayder’s son. Considering that the baby swap did not exist in the Tv, we can conclude that Mance Rayder’s son is not going to have any lasting effect in the novels.

The same logic applies to a number of other characters like Jeyne Poole, Barristan Selmy, the wilding princess and Robb’s wife, i forgot her name. Their stories in the novel have effectively been concluded by the Tv show.

I also didn’t like how the Greyjoys’ Kingsmoot story was omitted. And the changes to Tyrion Lannister’s story resulted in Tyrion never having met Aegon. Is Aegon going to appear on Tv? And if he doesn’t does that mean Aegon’s role in the novel is mostly diversionary? Wasn’t Ser Davos supposed to be on his way to find the last Stark boy? And the last battle on the Tv show.. Stannis lost the battle, spoiling the cliffhanger in the novels. I understand that, at the rate the author is writing, the Tv shows would catch up to the novels. But they could atleast have ended Stannis’s battle in a cliffhanger too.

Another thing i didn’t really like was the portrayal of Melisandre. She was more cunning and magically powerful in the novels, but in the Tv show, she’s just a crazy fanatic with a fetish for burning people alive.

Last but not least, the point about Jon Snow being knifed to death. Here’ i would venture my own hypothesis. Jon Snow’s oath to the Nightswatch actually only lasts until he is dead. Granted the brothers always say, ” and now his watch is ended.” to their dead brethen. While Jon Snow might have died in Season 5, it is unlikely that he would stay dead. Considering that Jon Snow has that R+L=J theory going for him, he has to be alive for Season 6. Since the Tv show didn’t really explore the Warg aspect of Jon Snow, it’s more likely that he will be revived or raised from the dead by Melisandre. Sort of like Coldhands or Lady Stoneheart. And since he died, Jon Snow’s watch is ended and he is officially released from the Nightswatch oath.

Geek Generation out.