Monthly Archives: September 2015

Hearthstone: Zoolock, Accumulated 80 Games

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here.

I played another 40 games of my version of Zoolock, accumulating a total of 80 games. Comparatively, the last 40 games wasn’t very good. I won 20 and lost 20 games, resulting in me staying in rank 9.


2 x Power Overwhelming
1 x Soulfire

2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Flame Imp
2 x Voidwalker
2 x Dire Wolf Alpha
2 x Haunted Creeper
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Nerubian Egg
2 x Wrathguard
2 x Imp Gang Boss
2 x Ogre Brute
2 x Dark Iron Dwarf
2 x Doomguard
1 x Loatheb

It’s becoming obvious that Wrathguard is pretty much like Flame Imp. They’re pretty valuable on turn 1 and 2, but their value drops off drastically after the initial turns. But unlike Flame Imps, they do not push for the board as much when played on curve.

Job Wins Loss Total
Mage 11 6 17
Hunter 4 8 12
Warrior 2 1 3
Druid 7 3 10
Paladin 3 6 9
Warlock 3 7 10
Shaman 4 2 6
Rogue 4 0 4
Priest 5 4 9
Total 43 37 80

I think this version of Zoolock is about done. I’m either tweaking it, or changing class for the other games.

Geek Generation out.

Hearthstone: Zoolock, Accumulated 40 Games

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here.

I played another 20 games of my zoolock. I began the session with a disheartening 7 loss streak. But i persevered and kept on playing bring my rank back up from 12 to 11, ending off at rank 10. More games needed to hit rank 5. I hope i can hit rank 5.

One thing i noticed was that i seem to be doing badly against Hunter decks. Fortunately, i didn’t meet Today’s matchups were spread out over all the classes, with Warriors missing from action. Maybe they already ranked way up there.

It’s rather hard to gauge the value of Wrathguards and Ogre Brutes. A play of turn 1 Coin Knife Juggler into Wrathguard is harder to evaluate than a turn 2 Coin Ogre Brute. You can gauge how unlikely the opponent is able to kill Ogre Brute, but it’s not so clear cut with a turn 2 Wrathguard that dies on turn 3. Is it just a slower Flame Imp?

Another thing i noticed was that if Piloted Shredder drops Lorewalker Cho, it’s generally in my favor, given that the deck only has 3 spells.


2 x Power Overwhelming
1 x Soulfire

2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Flame Imp
2 x Voidwalker
2 x Dire Wolf Alpha
2 x Haunted Creeper
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Nerubian Egg
2 x Wrathguard
2 x Imp Gang Boss
2 x Ogre Brute
2 x Dark Iron Dwarf
2 x Doomguard
1 x Loatheb

Job Wins Loss Total
Mage 8 4 12
Hunter 2 3 5
Warrior 1 1 2
Druid 4 2 6
Paladin 2 1 3
Warlock 0 3 3
Shaman 2 2 4
Rogue 3 0 3
Priest 1 1 2
Total 23 17 20

Total game time is around 203 minutes. Which averages to around 5.1 minutes per game.

Geek Generation out.

Hearthstone: 20 games of Zoolock

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here.

As mentioned earlier, i’m going to put in some time for Hearthstone gaming and try to make it to rank 5. I’ll repost the Zoolock list i’m using for convenience.


2 x Power Overwhelming
1 x Soulfire

2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Flame Imp
2 x Voidwalker
2 x Dire Wolf Alpha
2 x Haunted Creeper
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Nerubian Egg
2 x Wrathguard
2 x Imp Gang Boss
2 x Ogre Brute
2 x Dark Iron Dwarf
2 x Doomguard
1 x Loatheb

I climbed from rank 14 to rank 12. I get the feeling that this deck has what it takes to reach rank 5, just that it needs more games.

Job Wins Loss Total
Mage 6 2 8
Hunter 2 0 2
Warrior 1 1 2
Druid 1 1 2
Paladin 1 0 1
Warlock 0 1 1
Shaman 0 2 2
Rogue 2 0 2
Priest 0 0 0
Total 13 7 20

Total game time is around 104 minutes. Which averages to around 5.2 minutes per game.

Ok, so much for now, Geek Generation out.

Hearthstone: Zoolock

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here.

Woah, two thirds of the month is gone and i’m still at rank 14. I’ve got to play less Tavern Brawls and more rank on the main server now. I think i’ll go with zoolock this time.


2 x Power Overwhelming
1 x Soulfire

2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Flame Imp
2 x Voidwalker
2 x Dire Wolf Alpha
2 x Haunted Creeper
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Nerubian Egg
2 x Wrathguard
2 x Imp Gang Boss
2 x Ogre Brute
2 x Dark Iron Dwarf
2 x Doomguard
1 x Loatheb

Sure it doesn’t have Leper Gnomes, but i feel that the essence of Zoolocks are Flame Imps. While Flame Imps do 3 damage to yourself compared to Leper Gnomes who deal 2 damage to the opponent, that extra point in health makes alot of difference.

Wrathguards can be played on turn 2 without much thought. Shamans hesitate to Lightning Storm on turn 3 which only makes matter worse when you plop the Nerubian Egg onto the table.

Any card above 4 mana must bring something to the table immediately. Which is why Dark Iron Dwarfs are used over Piloted Shredders. Dark Iron Dwarf can activate eggs while Piloted Shredders can’t.

The main aim of this deck is to utilize every single mana from turn 1 to turn 7, playing on curve as much as possible.

The only thing i don’t like about this deck is the amount of burn it has. There’s only 1 Soulfire. Preferably, i would want 3 direct burn cards, a combination of Dark Bombs and Soulfires. And there isn’t really anything i want to take out for the extra direct burns.

Initial thoughts would probably be to remove one Ironbeak Owl. But i feel that there’s a need for both. It makes them less precious and more willing to Silence frivolous stuff just to get the damage going. It also helps to make a bait taken bid, making your opponent think that you have no more Silences in the deck.

Ok so much for now. I’ll sleeve up the deck in Deck Tracker and give is a couple games later. Geek Generation out.

Hearthstone: Double Deathrattle Battler

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here.

When i first read about the Double Deathrattle Battler, my thoughts were that new players are going to have a hard time to get their free pack in this brawl. But when i played on the other two servers which i do not main, i manage to get the win in a game or two. I don’t remember much of what went down in those games though.

And since i crafted Sylvanas recently, i decided to give the Brawl a couple more games on the main server.

Double Deathrattle Battler, Paladin

2 x Avenge
2 x Noble Sacrifice
2 x Muster for Battle
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Blessing of Kings
2 x Consecration

2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Mad Scientist
2 x Aldor Peacekeeper
2 x Murloc Knight
2 x Piloted Shredder
2 x Sludge Belcher
2 x Tuskarr Jouster
1 x Avenging Wrath
1 x Sylvanas Windrunner
1 x The Black Knight
1 x Dr. Boom

Mad Scientists are like the cheaper version of Mysterious Challenger in this brawl. Mad Scientists help set up the Avenge, Noble Sacrifice combo very nicely, usually giving you at least a 4/3 on the board.

Murloc Knights are pretty good. With so much Hunters in the meta, a turn 4 Murloc Knight is quite difficult for them to kill. As long as there are not much opposing threat, play out Murloc Knights on turn 4. They’re dangerous enough to demand a removal or Silence. Helping to bait Silence helps to ensure Sludge Belcher value. Also, after a turn 4 Murloc Knight, don’t fret if you don’t get to hero power on turn 5. Sometimes it just happens, and you simply need that turn 5 Sludge Belcher or Tuskarr Jouster.

In my opinion, Sludge Belcher is the champion in this format. Followed close behind by Nerubian Egg (if you can activate it), Haunted Creeper (if you have Raid Leader effects), Mad Scientists and Loot Hoarders. But i don’t play most of these mostly because i’m Jousting and i don’t really want to build for activating Nerubian Eggs.

Of course, Sylvanas Windrunner and Dr. Boom would always be the better Deathrattlers. Tuskarr Jouster is pretty good in the deck mainly because of the aforementioned Deathrattlers, which costs only 2 mana. Lots of decks are going to have lots of these stuff.

What do you Silence? The high priority targets are usually Sylvanas, Mad Scientist, Sludge Belcher. But Sludge Belcher are okay sometimes for the same reason an un-Silenced Piloted Shredders are okay. Consecration can deal with the aftermath quite often.

Answer Piloted Sky Golems with Sludge Belcher and try to out tempo the opponent. Silence all turn 2 Mad Scientists. And during mulligan, with the Coin, it’s sometimes ok to keep Sludge Belcher in hand.

Ok so much for now, Geek Generation out.

Hearthstone: New Player Tips

Hello everybody, Geek Generation here. I had some problems with my computer and wasn’t able to post anything.

Lately, i’ve been playing a little more on the other two servers. Having a rather light collection on those servers, completing daily quests could sometimes be quite a chore. So it got me thinking a little on Hearthstone from a new player’s collection’s perspective. Where sometimes, even Leper Gnomes and Abusive Sergeants, even if they are common, are hard to come by.

For new players who are in the beginnings of building a collection, here are some of the to do things.

Reroll quests

Do not try to roll for 60g quests as a priority. Instead, roll for quests that requires a class which you are more likely to win. Continuously playing a class which you keep losing with is going to be frustrating and discouraging. Instead, go for quests that grant wins to classes which you’re strong in. Also remember, every 3 wins gives 10g.

Pick a strong class

For a new player, not every class has a equal chance of winning. Since most of the minions in the deck are going to be from the basic set, the hero’s power will have to help alot in securing the win. Here’s my analysis of the heroes.

The following are the best for new players, in my opinion.

Mage has Flamestrike for board clear, Frost Bolt and Fireball for dealing damage, Water Elemental, Polymorph and Arcane Intellect is also an auto-include in the deck. Among all the classes, i think Mage would be the best for new players, followed by Hunter.

While Hunter doesn’t have board clear and the hero’s power doesn’t affect the board, its ability to deal 2 damage to the enemy hero, together with Arcane Shot and Kill command, is extremely good for aggressive decks. Try to make some form of Beast deck to make use of double Houndmaster.

Paladin has Consecration for board clear and Truesilver Champion for dealing damage. Add Raid Leader and Stormwind Champion for synergy with hero’s power.

Warlock is better when the collection starts to build up a little and staple aggressive commons like Flame Imp, Power Overwhelming, Leper Gnomes, Abusive Sergeants is available. The idea of such a deck is to fill the board with endless (because of card draw hero power) minions, and hopefully that it would be too much for the opponent to deal with.

Rogue and Druid doesn’t have any strong board clears, and is quite similar to Warlock in that they need a little more cards to become better. Rogue needs Eviscerate, and a host of rares, Druid’s needs Wrath, Druid of the Claw and a host of other rare and epic cards.

Shaman and Priests in their basic form are pretty slow decks. In my opinion, slow games are not in favor of the new player.

Warrior’s hero power does not affect the board. Other than 2 Fiery War Axes, the basic Warrior adds pretty much nothing to the deck.

Use these cards.
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2 x Wolfrider
2 x Chillwind Yeti
2 x Stormwind Champion

This should be the starting basis for most of the basic decks. Unfortunately, Ironbeak Owl is not a basic card.

Ok so much for now. Geek Generation out.